Quest: Valley of the Four Winds: Qiog’niq
Imp Lord Pinprick, Artwork by: Matt Cavotta
Quest Introduction:
Questgiver: “Welcome warlock, word of your ability to deal with demons and of your battle with Hun’dan has reached us. The Pandaren of the Red Crane Clan have also been annoyed by a demon. Perhaps you can help us?”
Warlock: “Hun’dan was a demon easily disposed of and controlled, much like all demons. I am willing to help.”
Questgiver: “Controlled you say? Mmmm.... Our demon, while not as lethal, is more of a nuisance to us and uncontrollable. He has proved to be very elusive and devious. Our farmlands and brewery survive on the river which runs through the middle of the Valley of the Four Winds and this demon constantly messes with our waterways. Rather than run, he hops along, always with an evil cackle and laughter.”
Warlock: “This demon sounds as though it is an Imp, a creature known for being mischievous. They are thought to be evolved from Grell; twisted by the Burning Legion to store tremendous amounts of fel energy.”
Questgiver: “You sound as though you know much about this type of demon. If you can deal with this creature we would be in your debt. His name is Qiog’niq or at least that is what the demon calls himself when our farmers hear him sing his riddles. He is thought to live near the center of the Valley of the Four Winds where the rivers meet. Please return to us when you have completed your task.”
Quest Objectives:
Travel to the middle of the Valley of the Four Winds where the rivers of the valley come together.
Quest Description: (Shows up upon entering the area where the rivers meet in the Valley of the Four Winds)
Traveling to the center of the Valley of the Four Winds you see signs of the havoc done by Qiog’niq. Here and there, waterways have been diverted, causing sinkholes in the ground. Upon reaching the intersection of the main rivers of the Valley of the Four Winds you notice a small hand pump and go to it to try and get a drink of water.
As soon as you touch the hand pump a sink hole forms behind you casting you down into a pit that you cannot get out of. After your body comes to rest in the middle of the sinkhole, you stand up and your feet immediately sink into the soil, making you unable to move. You look up to see a blueish colored imp, with small wings and an evil grin on it face, standing next to the hand pump.
Qiog’niq: “Tsk, Tsk, It seems that I have caught another spellcaster. Although you are a bit different looking than the round bears that are my usual prey.”
Warlock: “I am no mere spellcaster, but a warlock. Demons like you I summon at my command.”
Qiog’niq: “A warlock you say? I once was under contract with warlock.... We had a lot of fun together, but I thought it was time to see other warlocks. You see I just needed my space. Lucky for me I found this place and have been having fun without you warlocks ever since.”
Warlock: “It sounds like the previous warlock was not up to the task of keeping his minion under control. I will show you what a warlock it truly capable of.”
Qiog’nig: “I think not. I enjoy my fun here. I hope that you enjoy drowning warlock!”
Fight Strategy:
Qiog’niq immediately will put Qiog’niq’s Chill on you; a magic debuff which reduces your cast time by 90%. In order to to counter this debuff you will need utilize you Imp’s ability: Singe Magic.
After casting his magic debuff, Qiog’niq will start to use the hand pump to slowly fill the sinkhole with water. The speed in which the hole will fill increases exponentially the longer he is on the pump. In order to prevent him from using the hand pump you must Fear him as he will cast a shield around himself which will make him immune to all magic damage done. Once feared you will be able to use direct damage spells on the water pump in order to destroy it. The pump is immune to any debuffs or damage over time effects.
Underwater breathing will not allow you to survive drowning as Qiog’niq will remove this buff from you.
Lesser imps will come to the aid of Qiog’niq and focus on killing your imp. These adds appear every 25 seconds. They first will cast Qiog’niq’s Chill on you and then will pull your imp to them; rooting your imp in place and making your imp unable to cast spells. To counter this you must use Flee and remove the debuff from yourself with Singe Magic. Use direct damage spells on them quickly in order to defeat them.
Once the Water Pump is destroyed the anti-magic shell protecting Qiog’niq will break. Qiog’niq will jump into the pit and begin to attack you. He still will cast Qiog’niq’s Chill but will no longer summon imps to aid him. He also will gain the ability to remove magical debuffs from himself. Any magical buffs that you have on yourself (i.e. Unending Breath) will be removed by Qiog’niq. If enough water was allowed to fill into the sinkhole to put you under water, than it is likely that you will die from drowning before being able to kill Qiog’niq. Upon killing Qiog’niq the spell which held your feet in the ground will release you.
The intent of the this encounter is to utilize your imp as well as a crowd control. If done correctly this fight will take about 6 minutes to complete.
Once Qiog’niq is defeated you will be able to loot his corpse. On his corpse is a collection of jewels and Glyph of Felbolt. Return the collection of jewels to the Red Crane Clan to receive your reward.
Questgiver: “Thank you warlock. Now that our waterways are free from this nuisance, our farmlands and brewery will be able to produce more than they ever have before.”
After completing the quest for the Red Crane Clan they will direct you to the Townlong Steppes and the Black Ox Clan. They too have a demon which has afflicted them, although this demon is much different than the ones you have faced so far. (See Townlong Steppes: Taotieroth)
For helping the Red Crane clan they craft you a chest made from the jewelry of Qiog’niq:
Chest of Qiog’niq:
Chest - Cloth
Yellow Socket
Red Socket
Blue Socket
Set (2): Increases the damage done by your pet by x%
Set (4): Periodic damage from your Immolate or Unstable Affliction has a chance to spawn a mirror image of your currently summoned pet for 30 seconds. (2 min cooldown)
Side Reward: Glyph of Felbolt: Replaces your Imp’s Firebolt with Felbolt. Felbolt reduces run speed by 40% and spell casting speed by 40% for 9 seconds.
Thoughts on this Questline:
My hope for this questline is that it will teach the warlock how to utilize the warlock’s main form of crowd control: Fear. Being able to manage a mob with Fear and continue to do damage to a target is a key trait that all warlocks should be familiar with.
Along with learning to crowd control, the warlock will become familiar with the abilities of his Imp. Singe Magic & Flee are two spells that many warlocks may not even know about. This quest should help them learn these abilities and what they can do.
I also feel that the rewards are worthwhile for a leveling character. The helm reward is similar to the dungeon sets that were given back in the Burning Crusade and can serve as starter raiding gear for a fresh level 90 character.
The Imp is an underused pet in PvP and having a the Glyph of Felbolt is an opportunity to make the Imp more useful in PvP. It’s also my feeling that having a reward different from just your normal gear, gold and experience is a nice change of pace and perhaps something that could be used in future questlines.
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